Thursday, December 30, 2010

The harbor bridge and the Sydney Opera House are prominent symbols of Sydney and Australia.  They are icons that people know Australia by, and that generate great amounts of revenue for the Australian economy.  Russ said that every day, $100,000 is earned from people just climbing the bridge!!  These two venues are huge tourist attractions.

The skyline of Sydney shows just how much of a global and connected city it is.  The skyscrapers and buildings operate and connect with other companies and corporations around the world.

The amount of people by the bridge and around the streets in general is amazing.  Most of the people that I am seeing come from so many ethic groups, cultures, and nationalities.

Though it is in the distance, the magnitude of beach-goers occupying Bondi Beach is astonishing.  Similar to the above picture, these locations offer a meeting point of so groups of people.  With connections going on from company to company and person to person, globalization 3.0 can be seen even on the beach.

The Sydney Olympic Park was constructed with environmentalism in mind.  All of the lights are operated with solar electricity and all of the other buildings have green features as well.  As an environmentalist, and a tourist, I am drawn to that aspect of Australia's economy- trying to be efficient and not detrimental to the environment. 

Another view of the beach, and the people who are at the beach.

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